Medical Violence /medicalviolencecom Medical Violence News - Medical Violence Information Tue, 04 Apr 2017 18:34:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Consuming silicon-rich water or foods can purge your body of up to 70% of the of aluminum in your bloodstream /medicalviolencecom/2017-04-04-consuming-silicon-rich-water-or-herbs-can-purge-your-body-of-up-to-70-the-of-aluminum-in-your-bloodstream.htmlv Tue, 04 Apr 2017 16:49:34 +0000 Every day, we are being bombarded with aluminum. Even though aluminum is known to be a toxic substance, it can be found in many of our everyday products, such as processed food, cookware, vaccines, medications, baby products, cosmetics, antiperspirants, sunscreens, cleaning products, tap water, and even in the air we breathe.

Aluminum is a toxic metal that accumulates in the body over time, especially in the brain. It has been linked to many diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic fatigue, autistic spectrum disorders, and other neurological or auto-immune diseases.

To protect your body and brain, drink silicon-rich water every day

Professor Christopher Exley, a scientist from Keele University in Staffordshire, U.K., has called the period from the early 20th century to now the “age of aluminum.” Today, aluminum is so abundant in our surrounding environment that it is practically impossible to avoid. Therefore, Dr. Exley has dedicated over two decades of his life to researching the effects of aluminum toxicity. During his research, he has come to the conclusion that drinking silicon-rich mineral water may be the solution to protect your body and brain from aluminum buildups and brain damage.

His data showed that drinking silicon-rich water (with 35 milligrams of silicon per liter) over a period of 12 weeks significantly improved cognitive functions in people with Alzheimer’s without any known or visible side effects. During the clinical trials, involving both healthy individuals and people with Alzheimer disease, Exley and his team found that drinking around one liter of silicon-rich mineral water every day can speed up the excretion of aluminum via the kidneys and urine by up to 70 percent. (RELATED: Find more information about how to keep your body toxin-free at

Drinking silicon water is a non-invasive way to remove more aluminum from the body, something which benefits everyone, including vaccinated children and people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s. While the evidence of aluminum’s health damaging effects is apparent, this toxic substance is still allowed in everyday products that are slowly destroying our health.

As reported by Dr. Exley, everybody should start to drink silica water daily to protect themselves against aluminum toxicity and the many diseases it can cause. If you buy silica water, you should look for brands with a minimum concentration of 30 milligrams silica per liter (or 30 ppm) mentioned on the label. Good silicon-rich mineral water brands include ACILIS (also sold under the name Spritzer), Volvic, and Fiji. While silica-containing water can be difficult to find, there are many natural silica-rich foods that can also help reduce the aluminum load.

Foods naturally high in silica include:

  • Oats (595mg/100g)
  • Millet (500mg/100g)
  • Barley (233mg/100g)
  • Potatoes (200mg/100g)
  • Jerusalem artichoke (36mg/100g)
  • Red beets (21mg/100g)
  • Asparagus (18mg/100g)
  • Bananas (13.60mg/250g)
  • Cooked green beans (6.10 mg/250g)
  • Raw carrots (4.58mg/200g)
  • Brown rice (4.14mg/200g)

Number of aluminum-containing vaccines is on the rise

Next to being abundantly found in our food chain, aluminum is an ingredient in nearly all vaccines. Dr. Exley explained that this makes things even worse. When aluminum is injected straight into the bloodstream, it bypasses the normal elimination or excretion channels, and goes straight to the brain or heart.

Many pro-vaccine or pro-aluminum trolls claim that aluminum is the most common mineral on the planet and therefore harmless. Emerging scientific results, however, do not agree with their vision. Furthermore, Dr. Exley added that the mining and usage of aluminum correlates with the increase in neurological diseases.

A key aspect of Dr. Exley’s research is to help protect our children from neurological vaccine damage. In the past, he has used a form of silica known as silicic acid to treat kids with an autism spectrum disorder or other neurological damage from vaccines with excellent results.


The corrupt vaccine industry has the means and motive to stage a massive false flag “outbreak” to demand nationwide vaccine mandates /medicalviolencecom/2017-04-02-vaccine-industry-has-the-means-and-motive-to-stage-a-massive-false-flag-outbreak-vaccine-mandates.htmlv Sun, 02 Apr 2017 17:30:53 +0000 The vaccine industry is unique in the fact that the more its products fail, the greater the demand for its faulty products. Simply stated, when vaccines are accidentally distributed with live viruses instead of attenuated (weakened) viruses, they cause the very outbreaks of disease they claim to prevent.

Once the outbreak happens, the pharma-funded mainstream media catapults disease hysteria into mass consciousness while calling for everyone to take more vaccines to “prevent the outbreak.” Those who weren’t vaccinated are always blamed for every outbreak, even when the outbreaks occur largely among children who have already been vaccinated.

OOPS… another live virus accidentally manufactured into vaccines

We already know that vaccine manufacturers sometimes ship LIVE viruses to production facilities, causing live viruses to be used in vaccines that subsequently infect vaccine recipients with the very disease they claim to prevent. We also know that vaccine manufacturers enjoy a unique legal protection from all lawsuits due to an act of Congress. As a result, faulty vaccines that accidentally (or intentionally) contain live viruses that spread disease outbreaks pose zero risk of liability to the vaccine manufacturers.

In summary, vaccine manufacturers experience enormous benefits from “accidental” outbreaks of disease caused by faulty vaccine manufacturing while having zero exposure to liability for such “mistakes.” As a result, vaccine manufacturers have every incentive to use vaccines as a vector to introduce infectious disease outbreaks into the population, after which they enjoy enormous profits and government funding grants thanks to all the “fake news” media hysteria that claims vaccines are the only solution to the very problem that was caused by vaccines in the first place.

Virologists working for Merck even filed a False Claims Act with the federal government, describing how they were forced to falsify vaccine clinical trial results to trick the FDA into approving vaccines that they said would contribute to the spread of infectious disease.

It’s the perfect racket: Create a product that spreads disease while convincing the entire world that your product is the only solution to stopping the spread of disease. Every outbreak earns you more money and prestige while the government grants you absolute legal protection from all lawsuits, meaning you can place literally anything into a vaccine — live viruses, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, etc. — and face no financial or legal repercussions whatsoever. (RELATED: Follow the latest breaking news on vaccines at

Vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of ethics to wage false flag attacks against children

In this podcast, I explain how and why vaccine companies have the means, the motive and the lack of medical ethics to pull off “vaccine false flag” attacks that target children with live infectious agents (essentially biological weapons).

Even more, I predict that because the vaccine industry is losing the public relations war due to accelerating efforts of public education — such as The Truth About Vaccines documentary series that’s about to go public — the vaccine industry is unquestionably plotting to carry out a vaccine false flag “outbreak” and then blame the so-called “anti-vaxxers” for the medical mayhem that follows. This outbreak, in turn, will be used to demand nationwide vaccine mandates that criminalize “anti-vaxxers” and seek to place the government is a position of absolute control over your body.

Hear the full podcast at the Health Ranger Report podcast site, or listen below:

Learn more about the tyranny of vaccine “science” at





Health Basics: What if you found out that most vaccines have never been shown to actually work? /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-31-health-basics-what-if-you-found-out-vaccines-never-shown-to-work.htmlv Fri, 31 Mar 2017 16:32:51 +0000 In 2017, it’s easy to assume that because doctors and surgeons are so great at mending broken bones and clearing out clogged arteries that scientists would be just as precise and efficient in the design and testing of immunizations, but what if you found out just the opposite was true? To question something as “monumental” and “prolific” as inoculations requires courage, intelligence and the ability to accept the truth – whether you like the answer that you get or not. Can you accept it? Would you? When?

Maybe today’s medical science isn’t all it’s “cracked up” to be, and maybe, just maybe, everything you hear and read about in “peer reviewed” journals is one huge lie repeated over and over again. Let’s examine true science and you can be the final judge.

Today’s vaccines contain infected blood, cell and tissue samples from multiple wild animals, worms and aborted human babies

Sometimes the truth hurts, but what hurts much worse is when you or your children are injured by chemical-medical violence that’s experimental, untested and unsafe, as admitted by the CDC themselves on their own website. Most people investigating their own health, their own medications, and the ingredients in their vaccinations want to see it printed on the product or on a reliable website. Here we go.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention admits and publishes in plain view on their website that today’s vaccines contain African Green Monkey kidney cells, human diploid fibroblast cell cultures from abortions, fetal bovine serum (blood from untested cows), modified Eagle’s medium (yes, wild birds), chicken embryo, porcine circovirus (deadly wild pig virus), and Madin-Darby Canine Kidney cell protein (from untested dogs).

Wait, there’s more!

As if it’s not sick and twisted enough to inject pregnant women, newborns, babies, children, teens, young adults, parents, grandparents and the elderly with experimental blood and infected cells from all these animals, the CDC and FDA approve vaccine manufacturers using E. Coli, mixed-combined strains of live viruses, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), deadly mercury (listed as thimerosal — and yes, it’s still in vaccines!), sodium chloride, aluminum (increases intensity of mercury), and get this… worm ovary cells from the fall armyworm, as used in the Flucelvax flu shot.

Still want to inject some pig, dog, monkey, cow, worm and human blood, cells and tissue into your body for alleged “immunity” that’s never been proven to work?

Realize this: Hardly a living soul reads the vaccine insert before getting vaccinated because they all trust their doctors and nurses and “modern American medicine.” Big mistake. If you are highly allergic to peanuts, dairy, or other people’s blood that’s not your blood type, wouldn’t it make sense to avoid injecting experimental ingredients from wild animals and insects? What about blood samples from abortions? Who even knows what was wrong with those babies?

On most vaccine inserts it reads, “no controlled trials” have been conducted that adequately demonstrate a decrease in disease after vaccination. Don’t believe it? Check the vaccine sheet for Flulaval flu shot. The insert readily admits the vaccine has never been subjected to scientific clinical trials. Here’s the quote:

“There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.”

Ethan Huff, a reporter for Natural News, stated it best recently:

… in addition to all the viruses, heavy metals, chemical preservatives, food colorings, and other toxic ingredients used in making vaccines … children today are being injected with some of the most disturbing and poisonous substances known to mankind, and very few people seem at all concerned with what’s going on.

Don’t miss the upcoming docu-series called The Truth About Vaccines, which features the Health Ranger and 60 other experts who reveal shocking truths about vaccine ingredients, medical science, immunology and more.

It’s time to open your mind and learn something you might not know:


Vaccine Injury Denialism is the denial of fundamental human dignity… see this highly emotional video of children damaged by vaccines /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-30-vaccine-injury-denialism-is-the-denial-of-human-dignity.htmlv Fri, 31 Mar 2017 04:48:41 +0000 Vaccine Injury Denialism is rampant across the mainstream media, where child-abusing vaccine pushers like the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN deliberately contribute to the holocaust of vaccine injuries now devastating humanity’s children.

Sadly, the same denialism about the alarming growth in medical injuries caused by vaccines is also endemic across universities, science journals and medical schools, where doctors are indoctrinated into a kind of “Flat Earth” denialism of vaccine injury reality.

The toxic ingredients deliberately added to vaccines destroy countless lives every day, causing permanent neurological damage, autism, seizures, comas, hospitalization and even death. Millions of children around the world have been harmed by these toxic ingredients, which include mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde, all known neurotoxins confirmed by the CDC as being used in vaccines today.

As you read this, children and pregnant women are being injected with flu shots that contain 25,000 times higher mercury concentrations than the EPA limit of mercury in water.

One courageous African-American spiritual leader dares to stand tall against the vaccine exploitation of black babies

The widespread denialism of vaccine injury is akin to the historical denialism of the human dignity of the life of an African-American. It’s no coincidence, given that vaccines cause disproportionate harm to black children. The history of medicine is replete with the deliberate medical experimentation on black Americans, a clear abandonment of human dignity rooted in the twisted belief across the medical establishment that black lives don’t matter as long as sufficient profits can be made from the exploitation and suffering of human beings.

This is why today, I celebrate the courageous words of Rev. Tony Muhammad, who dares to tell the truth about how vaccine injuries disproportionately target black children in America: (NOTE: If you are running an ad blocker, these videos may not appear. Be sure to disable ad blocking of this website to see all the videos.)

It’s not just black children… ALL CHILDREN are now at risk of being maimed and even killed by vaccine violence

This epidemic of vaccine violence extends to all children, of course. Even as these children are being devastated and destroyed by the brain-damaging toxins still formulated into vaccines, the pharma-corrupted scientific “establishment” denies their plight and even their very existence, hoping to sweep the “autism” issue under the rug and pretend that injecting children with toxic substances has nothing to do with the brain damage that often follows.

The vaccine injury denialism must STOP. If we, as a world of human beings, cannot embrace the human dignity of children enough to protect them from the predatory practices of this destructive vaccine industry, then we are living in denial of basic human dignity.

Watch this powerful video below, which shows the remarkable ability of these vaccine damaged children to still find the capacity to love other humans, even as they live in a world full of doctors, scientists and journalists who live in total denial of their roles in causing life-destroying damage from vaccine injuries.

Join the fight to halt vaccine violence against children. Watch The Truth About Vaccines, an upcoming docu-series that promises to expose the lies and deceptions of the toxic vaccine industry. Registration opened yesterday. It’s free to watch. Click here to register now.

Watch this powerful video and share everywhere:


Trump meets with victims of opioid addiction: this is a total “epidemic” /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-30-trump-meets-with-victims-of-opioid-addiction-this-is-a-total-epidemic.htmlv Fri, 31 Mar 2017 03:41:36 +0000 President Donald Trump met on Wednesday with victims of opioid addiction and members of his committee who will address the growing crisis.

(Article by Charlie Spiering from

“Opioid abuse has become a crippling problem throughout the United States,” Trump said. “This is a total epidemic. And I think it’s almost untalked-about compared to the severity that we’re witnessing.”

The president was joined at the White House meeting by Vice President Mike Pence and Gov. Chris Christie, who is leading the commission. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly also attended.

Trump referred to the border, vowing to do more to stop opioid drugs from entering the country.

“Drug cartels have spread their deadly industry across our nation, and the availability of cheap narcotics, some of it comes in cheaper than candy and has devastated our communities,” Trump said.

One recovering addict, Vanessa Vitolo, explained how she became injured and got hooked on painkillers like Percocet and oxycodone. It was not long before she moved on to heroin because it was cheaper.

Vitolo said she lost everything, was homeless, and in and out of jail before she went to a treatment facility.

“You have no feelings, and you’re a shell, and it takes over your whole life,” she explained.

Read more at:

How vaccine mandates violate WOMEN … the government vs. your human rights /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-30-how-vaccine-mandates-violate-women.htmlv Thu, 30 Mar 2017 16:15:06 +0000 Government-enforced vaccine mandates violate the bodies of women and their children, nullifying the fundamental human right which says that we own and control our own bodies.

Yet thanks to the corrupt, criminal-minded vaccine industry, the government now claims it “owns” not only your body, but also the bodies of your children. And since the government “owns” your children, it can require them to be penetrated and contaminated with diseased DNA, human fetal tissue, brain-damaging heavy metals and more (all those are real ingredients used in vaccines today, by the way).

Most women agree that “NO means NO” when it comes to decisions about their bodies, yet the vaccine industry has declared that it stands in favor of medical rape by demanding that “NO means YES!”

How the vaccine industry “medically rapes” women and children essentially at gunpoint

Thanks to vaccine mandates like SB 277, this gross violation of women’s rights is all being done now essentially at gunpoint, where government authorities are forcing women and their children to be injected with toxic, foreign substances while calling it “public health policy.” Yet, astonishingly, the recent Women’s March in Washington didn’t even touch on women’s right to refuse toxic vaccines for themselves and their children.

And now, laws are about to be passed all across the country that would ban women from many jobs unless they agree to be vaccinated with the full schedule of toxic vaccines that’s demanded by the government (and that’s an ever-increasing list because the vaccine industry always wants to profit from yet another disease scare). Their slogan? No jab, no job!

This is why all women across America need to hear The Truth About Vaccines, a powerful new documentary series that reveals the shocking truths about vaccines through interviews with 60 health and medicine experts. Registration has just open today, and the series begins broadcasting on April 12th.

I’m one of the 60 experts interviewed in The Truth About Vaccines, where I discuss violations of medical ethics, vaccine composition, vaccine side effects and more. To get a taste of the many warnings I have to offer about vaccines, listen to the following podcast which explains how vaccines violate women.

Listen to this podcast at the Health Ranger Report website, or listen below:


Groundbreaking docu-series launched: The Truth About Vaccines will be final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry LIES /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-30-groundbreaking-docu-series-launched-the-truth-about-vaccines-will-be-final-nail-in-the-coffin-of-vaccine-industry-lies.htmlv Thu, 30 Mar 2017 15:33:54 +0000 A groundbreaking new docu-series has just been launched that will prove to be the final nail in the coffin of vaccine industry lies. It’s called The Truth About Vaccines, and registration is open as of today.

You can register now at this link.

The Truth About Vaccines features the world’s top experts on natural medicine, toxicology and medical science. I’m also one of the featured speakers thanks to my lab science research into heavy metals, vaccine composition and the corruption of the pharma cartels. The summit is produced by Ty Bollinger, who also produced the wildly popular series called The Truth About Cancer, which helps millions of people learn lifesaving truths about cancer treatments and prevention strategies.

This is the documentary series the entire vaccine industry hopes to silence

Now, The Truth About Vaccines threatens to blow the lid off the lies and corruption of the vaccine industry by revealing to the public at large what’s really in vaccines.

The vaccine industry has always tried to hide its ingredients from the public, hoping nobody discovers the truth about how vaccines are made with African Green Monkey kidney cells, human fetal tissue and toxic heavy metals like mercury (which damages brains). But now, with The Truth About Vaccines about to go live in just 12 days, the era of vaccine industry secrecy is rapidly approaching an end. This docu-series pulls the curtain back on how vaccines are made, what they really contain and what toxic side effects they cause in children and adults all over the world.

This is a “can’t miss” event. Register now at this link, or visit

Mark your calendar, too, because the broadcast begins on April 12th.

SHOCK: Toxic vaccines are now being produced by supporters of Jihad /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-29-shock-toxic-vaccines-are-now-being-produced-by-supporters-of-jihad.htmlv Wed, 29 Mar 2017 16:04:59 +0000 Millions of Americans do not view Saudi Arabia in the way our government does, as a benevolent monarchy in the middle of the world’s largest sand pit with a lot of oil that just wants great relations with its trading partners and natives.

In fact, most Americans who were alive on 9/11 and old enough to understand what was going on, remember that 15 of the 19 hijackers who destroyed the World Trade Center and killed nearly 3,000 Americans, were originally from Saudi Arabia.

Our intelligence community and foreign policy apparatus have long known that factions within the Saudi Arabian government support terrorism, and in particular, jihadists known to target the West. As noted by the CATO Institute, a libertarian-leaning think tank, in 2001:

The Saudi government has been the principal financial backer of Afghanistan’ s odious Taliban movement since at least 1996. It has also channeled funds to Hamas and other groups that have committed terrorist acts in Israel and other portions of the Middle East. 

Worst of all, the Saudi monarchy has funded dubious schools and “charities” throughout the Islamic world. Those organizations have been hotbeds of anti-Western, and especially, anti-American, indoctrination.

Now, it seems, this state sponsor of jihad and terrorism is set to supply vaccines to the world, having bought a vaccine manufacturing operation from the Danish government, as reported by the Gatestone Institute, which tracks global jihadist operations. (RELATED: Dave Chappelle intelligently questions mandatory vaccines in new Netflix special.)

“Selling the crucial manufacture of vaccines to an ideologically hostile country, which might – for whatever reason – suddenly decide to shut down production, does not sound like a good idea… Those who say that the Saudis are merely interested in profit, just like everybody else, should know better,” said Rachel Ehrenfeld, an expert on the financing of terrorism.

A year ago, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the creation of the Public Investment Fund, which eventually plans to control some $2 trillion in a bid to help move the country’s economy away from its primary source – oil. To do that, the Prince announced that the monarchy would sell shares in the parent company of Aramco, the Saudi oil giant, in a bid to transform it into a conglomerate of other companies and interests. It’s likely that the purchase of the Danish State Serum Institute by the Aljomaih Group is part of that portfolio diversification.

The problem is, the purchasing group has given donations to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic extremist organization.

Interestingly, the Gatestone Institute notes, Saudis boycotted Danish goods in 2006, after the publication of cartoons depicting Mohammad. What changed is anyone’s guess.

But it does make you wonder how much trust Danish consumers should have in Saudi-manufactured vaccines.

More about the purchaser: The Aljomaih Group is a Saudi family dynasty, Gatestone notes, and is led by Sheikh AbdulAziz Hamad Aljomaih, the largest stockholder in Arcapita Bank in Bahrain, where he is also the chairman. The bank features a so-called Sharia Supervisory Board, which consists of Islamic scholars who ensure the bank’s dealings and transactions comply with Sharia law. (RELATED: The Clinton Foundation has scored about $50 MILLION in donations from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.)

There are a number of concerns here. First, while it may seem as though the Saudis’ diversification is afoot with this purchase, it could also be a way for a supporter of strict Sharia law to control the flow of vaccines into the West, which is currently inundated with Muslim migrants fleeing the war-torn region. As we have seen for the past two years, terrorist incidents have begun to increase in many countries, including France, Germany and Belgium, as more unvetted Islamists continue to pour into the continent.

Another possibility: Would the Saudis intentionally taint already toxic vaccines bound for Western countries as a means of poisoning the population? If that sounds crazy to you, imagine what you would have thought before 9/11 if someone had told you that Saudi terrorists were plotting to fly commercial planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Explore more headlines on violence in our world at

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


Antidepressant drugs made woman believe she had killed her own children … Hallucinations, crushed libido, side effects galore /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-28-antidepressant-drugs-made-woman-want-to-kill-her-own-children-hallucinations-crushed-libido-side-effects-galore.htmlv Wed, 29 Mar 2017 04:48:24 +0000 When you read the side effects on a package of antidepressants – or any medication, for that matter – it’s easy to brush them off out of a desire to start feeling better quickly. Problems like fatigue, nausea and decreased libido are just words on a page and easy to dismiss … until they happen to you.

If you or a loved one is thinking of taking these medications, you might want to read the story of Katinka Blackford Newman first. Her experience illustrates the very ugly side of these drugs that few people talk about, and shows how it can impact real people in a way that those package inserts can never truly convey.

Her story is one that a lot of people can relate to. The sleepless nights and tumult of going through a divorce led her doctor to prescribe the antidepressant escitalopram. Just a few hours later, the psychosis set in, and she hallucinated that she had killed her own children. When she was brought to the hospital, the doctors did not realize she was having an adverse reaction to the antidepressants, and gave her even more pills. (RELATED: Find more news about medical violence at

She describes the next year as a nightmare, saying she was so sick she could barely even leave her house. Unable to sit still, she felt suicidal and lost her relationship with her children. She says the drugs made her an “overweight, dribbling wreck, unable to finish a sentence.” When a different hospital took her off all five medications a year later, by what she describes as “a stroke of luck” when her private insurance ran out, she felt reborn, and was back to her usual self within weeks, working as a filmmaker and preparing for a half-marathon.

One part of her life that did not go back to normal right away, however, was her interest in sex. Although her libido did eventually return, she is now drawing attention to the many people who experience sexual dysfunction as a result of taking antidepressants. In some cases, normal sexual function never returns after discontinuing the drugs.

Most people experience genital numbing within half an hour of taking a pill, and a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry involving nearly 1,000 people, estimates that nearly 60 percent of those taking the most popular SSRIs experience sexual side effects.

This problem is so widespread that it even has a name, Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). It can affect men and woman alike. One man, Kevin Bennett, has shared his story in hopes of sparing others what he suffered after starting Prozac for anxiety when he was 18. He says he become completely impotent within four days. He thought the side effect was only temporary at first. After quitting the medication cold turkey, however, side effects like drowsiness subsided, but his sexual function never returned to normal.

Bennett even went so far as to write a letter to the drug’s manufacturer, Eli Lilly, to ask for advice about the problem, which was preventing him from having normal relationships. The Big Pharma firm responded that Prozac was not the problem and he should consult his GP. This was in 1997; the drug now carries a warning that sexual dysfunction can persist even after stopping treatment, so it’s clear the company was not being honest with him.

After seeing a slew of doctors including neurologists, radiologists, urologists and endocrinologists, it became apparent that his body was working normally and that the Prozac was the culprit. A muscle relaxant injection just before intercourse is the only way he can perform, a situation he describes as “humiliating.”

Even if you can live without sex, the other side effects of SSRIs are just as bad, if not worse. The prospect of becoming suicidal is perhaps the most disturbing of all. Before mindlessly filling a prescription from your doctor for antidepressants, research the side effects carefully and look into alternative coping mechanisms like cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, yoga and meditation.

Sources include:

Report: Toxic heavy metal debris found in vaccines /medicalviolencecom/2017-03-27-report-toxic-heavy-metal-debris-found-in-vaccines.htmlv Tue, 28 Mar 2017 04:06:30 +0000 The dangers of vaccines are real, yet most Americans refuse to believe this distressing fact. While the pharmaceutical industry, medical experts, and the government keep reassuring us that the shots are safe, real life cases and science are telling a different tale. Unfortunately, there has been widespread fraud in the safety reports of vaccines that favor industry. While some vaccine victims are scarred for life, others do not even live to tell their story.

Writing for EcoWatch, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a resolute defender of the environment and anti-vaxxer, reported on a new landmark study that found metal debris and biological contamination in every human vaccine tested. Since the very compelling and disturbing truth was brought to light, the study should have a direct impact on public health policies and vaccine industry procedures, according to Kennedy.

Dr. Antonietta Gatti, who led the study, told EcoWatch in an interview that their interest in vaccine contaminants started by accident about 15 years ago when they were asked to analyze samples of an anti-allergy vaccine that was causing painful swellings around the injection site and persistent red weals.

When they examined weal and vaccine samples, they found solid particles that should not have been there. The researchers were shocked by the impurities they found.

“We had never questioned the purity of vaccines before. In fact, for us the problem did not even exist. All injectable solutions had to be perfectly pure, and that was an act of faith on which it seemed impossible to have doubt. For that reason, we repeated our analyses several times to be certain. In the end, we accepted the evidence,” said Dr. Gatti.

This finding prompted the researchers to further investigate whether the debris problem was a one-case scenario or if more vaccines were affected. For their new study, published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, Dr. Gatti and her team examined 44 samples of 33 different vaccines. Using highly sensitive technology — an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an x-ray microprobe — the researchers scanned the samples for solid contaminants.

The hidden truth that’s never mentioned on safety labels

Next to toxic levels of brain-damaging aluminum salts, the researchers also found red blood cells of unknown origin and foreign, inorganic debris in aggregates, clusters, or free particles in every single human vaccine sample they tested.

Further investigation revealed that the debris was composed of lead, stainless steel, chromium, tungsten, nickel, iron, zirconium, hafnium, strontium, antimony and other metals. Only one sample – an animal vaccine – came back clean.

As noted by the authors of the study, these contaminants were not declared by the manufacturers on the label and should not be found in any vaccine. In one vaccine, GSK’s Fluarix vaccine for children above three years, the scientists found 11 metals, and aggregates of metals, that have previously been associated with cases of leukemia. (RELATED: Learn more about the damaging effects of heavy metals at

Despite the bare facts, several public authorities continue to ignore the harmful effects these vaccines are having on the developing brains of our children. It is time to open our eyes and fight these horrible practices. If you have been following the news, then you can not deny that vaccine damage and deaths are real.

What’s even worse, no matter how many times these companies are sued for vaccine injuries or found guilty in negligence cases that have ruined people’s lives, they are still in business today. Watch the video below to learn more about the “Vaccine Holocaust” and how doctors, scientists, citizens, and authorities are allowing the destruction of millions of lives.


