12/16/2022 / By S.D. Wells
People who get the Covid-19 “vaccine” in India’s largest city Mumbai are restricted from donating blood, until they get the second jab, and then they still have to wait a month, but why? What exactly happens if blood donation recipients get that vaccinated blood from the donor? Have there been clinical trials that show some kind of dangerous and deadly result of this? Also, why two months wait time? How did the medical industry or vaccine manufacturers come up with this amount of time, because after doing some research, one will find there are all kinds of different suggested wait times published all over the world, so is it all just haphazardly random?
Maybe no person should ever get a blood donation from someone who’s vascular system is chock full of millions of spike protein prions from a Fauci Flu gene-mutation jab. Will your blood start clotting like the Covid-vaccinated masses should you get a transfusion from one of them? Will you be susceptible to ADE and other immune-deficiency disorders should you get a blood transfusion from a person who got a Fauci Flu shot? This requires very careful consideration.
The National Blood Transfusion Council (NBTC) in India published guidelines saying Covid-vaccinated individuals are RESTRICTED from donating blood after getting the jab, until they get the SECOND DOSE, and then they still have to wait a month. Are they shedding the spike proteins? Are they MORE likely to catch the disease after “vaccination?”
What’s going on here? The NBTC issued a stern warning to all citizens: “28 days post vaccination deferral after the last dose of Covid-19 vaccination, irrespective of the type of vaccine received”. So that applies to ALL types of Wuhan virus prion jabs. That’s a sweeping statement, but still we have no clarification as to why this is so important.
The director of NBTC, Dr. Sunil Gupta, said this applies to the “live” attenuated virus jab as well as the “inactivated” injections. Supposedly, just because of some reports from the Covid-injected victims who complain of “fever” and “body pain,” the recommendations are justified. So based on that claim, an injected human needs to wait two months before donating blood? This just does not add up. There’s obviously much more to it.
Big question: Since all of the Covid vaccines in Mumbai that are given are inactivated (not live), then how could the virus be transmitted to the unvaccinated blood donation recipient? Covaxin is an inactivated vaccine that is not live, so why still issue a two-month delay on blood donations? This seems quite fishy and should concern every person in the world who is considering ever getting a blood donation from a Covid-jabbed person.
Are we talking about permanently tainted blood now, from the billions of humans on planet earth who have been injected with Covid jabs that either contain billions of toxic spike prions or instruct the cells to create them incessantly? Will this also be passed on to offspring? Is this what bad blood means? Dirty blood. Tainted blood. This dirty blood donation warning should apply to all ORGAN TRANSPLANTS also, if logic and clinical science are being applied. How many other countries, including doctors, nurses, and “patients” are aware of this? This requires investigation on the highest level.
Help stop the tainted blood donation pandemic! Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that may be causing blood donation recipients to develop vascular clots, myocarditis, and chronic inflammation.
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Tagged Under:
bad blood, blood donations, covid-19, organ transplants, pandemic, spike proteins, tainted blood, unvaccinated blood, vaccinated blood, vaccine, vaccine injury, vaccine shed, vaccine shedding, Wuhan coronavirus
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