News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Biomedical EVIL: Chinese scientists clone genetically modified baby monkeys to see how mental illness works
We’ve come to expect questionable behavior by the Chinese government, so it’s not surprising to learn that they had a hand in a recent project that saw monkeys being cloned and gene edited to show symptoms of mental illnesses. In the concerning experiment, Chinese scientists used CRISPR/Cas 9 technology to remove the BMAL1 gene from […]
By Cassie B.
The SILENCE is deafening: Not a single Democrat speaks out against infanticide
The left is quick to appeal to people’s emotions by making a big deal out of children being separated from their parents at the border, but it’s hard to believe they really care about young lives given their radio silence on infanticide. Take a look at the new law that just went into effect in […]
By Cassie B.
Landmark study finds that the routine medical treatment for cardiac arrest DOUBLES the risk of brain damage
A groundbreaking trial in the U.K. is likely to spur big changes to the routine treatment for people suffering from cardiac arrest to avoid causing more harm than good. If you’re suffering from cardiac arrest, doctors are likely to give you a shot of adrenaline in addition to other interventions. Unfortunately, a study involving more […]
By Cassie B.
Yes, Ambien makes people do insane, crazy things with no conscious awareness … See the list
Roseanne Barr might be a polarizing figure, but if anything good has come from the recent Twitter fiasco that culminated in the cancellation of her TV show, it’s the fact that the sleeping drug Ambien has been thrust into the spotlight and people are talking about just how crazy it can make them act. In […]
By Cassie B.
Psych drug use skyrockets in U.S. prisons
Psychiatric drug use is rising throughout the country, and one segment of the population where the increase has been particularly sharp is among inmates. In fact, the number of California prisoners who take psychotropic drugs has risen by 25 percent in just five years. Now, one fifth of the state’s county jail population is taking […]
By Cassie B.
The consequences of micro-managing nature: How medical intervention affects birth outcomes
Modern medicine gives doctors the ability to do many things that were once thought to be impossible, but is there a price to pay for all of these advancements? According to a team of international researchers, some children’s long-term health is suffering as a result of birth interventions. The researchers analyzed health and population data […]
By Cassie B.
Scientists warn that many pharma drugs DESTROY our gut microbiome, causing us to be more vulnerable to disease
You’ve probably heard by now that antibiotics can seriously impact your gut microbiome, but it turns out that this action is not just limited to antibiotics. Now, scientists from Germany’s European Molecular Biology Laboratory have found that many drugs that target human cells rather than bacteria can cause changes in microbiome composition as well. In […]
By Cassie B.
Babies feel pain at 21 weeks: Doctors say that open fetal surgery should include anesthesia for the fetus
What babies experience in the womb has long been the subject of debate, but experts who don’t have a vested interest in carrying out abortions are being increasingly vocal about the fact that a fetus does feel pain from much earlier than many people would like to believe. A new study from the University of […]
By Cassie B.
Cancer radiation “treatment” claims proven FALSE: New study proves higher doses do not improve survival in prostate cancer patients
Radiation therapy isn’t anybody’s idea of a good time, but each year, thousands of people undergo the treatment in hopes of curing their cancer. If it can save your life, the side effects are worth it, right? Unfortunately, there’s one small problem with this line of reasoning: Radiation does not always improve a person’s chances […]
By Cassie B.
Confirmed: Medical science lab used HUMANS as guinea pigs for risky experiments
It sounds like something you might see in a movie or on TV: A secretive, high-security 7,000-acre site in a small West Country town surrounded by warning signs houses canisters full of poisonous gases and samples of some of the deadliest viruses in the world. Far from fictional, this unsettling lab that conducts experiments on […]
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