News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Many cases of “dementia” are actually side effects of prescription drugs or vaccines, according to research
The “quick facts” provided by the Alzheimer’s Association are pretty concerning: More than five million people in America are living with Alzheimer’s, and that number is projected to reach 16 million by the year 2050. As the sixth leading cause of death in our nation, it kills more Americans than prostate cancer and breast cancer […]
By Cassie B.
Massachusetts considers legalizing assisted death, so the same doctors who now kill you accidentally can start killing you on purpose
Should a doctor be allowed to give an adult who is terminally ill and has fewer than six months to live a medication that will allow them to die peacefully in their sleep if they request it? After opposing assisted death officially since 1996, the Massachusetts Medical Society has now become neutral on the issue, […]
By Cassie B.
Mothers share their devastating stories of how this epilepsy drug “poisoned” their children
An epilepsy drug that has left 20,000 U.K. children with damage after their mothers took it during pregnancy is coming under fire for failing to warn users of this very serious side effect. The drug, sodium valproate, can control the electrical functions in the brain in a way that prevents life-threatening seizures from taking hold. […]
By Cassie B.
CDC emails reveal culture of deep corruption and scientific dishonesty
If you had any doubts about the culture of corruption at the CDC, a look at some internal correspondence regarding vaccine studies should clear things up for you. This email correspondence, which is the subject of a recent exposé by Vera Sharav for the World Mercury Project, shows just how far officials at the CDC […]
By Cassie B.
Global black market body parts trade is REAL: Sellers offer torsos, heads, organs and limbs… for the right price
The body parts trade is real, and it’s not just legitimate medical researchers who are engaging in the practice. According to a recent Reuters expose, some U.S. body brokers have been caught defrauding customers by selling body parts infected with communicable diseases. American body brokers have supplied body parts to at least 45 nations since […]
By Cassie B.
TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died. According to the report, nearly 1,400 […]
By Cassie B.
PET HEALTH WARNING: Veterinarians are wildly overdosing small dogs with toxic vaccines, causing devastating side effects
Vets around the world are seeing horrific reactions from over-vaccinating, yet many pet owners remain unaware of the problem and continue to bring their pets in for yearly shots without questioning the risks. All pets are given the same vaccine dose regardless of their size, which means a cat that weighs five pounds will get […]
By Cassie B.
No good reason for the opioid epidemic: Clinical trial showed no “significant difference” in pain relief for treating arm or leg pain using opioids vs non-opioids
There is a lot of finger-pointing going on when it comes to the cause of the opioid epidemic. The pharmaceutical companies making these drugs often get the bulk of the blame, with the doctors who prescribe them following closely behind in the culpability leaderboard. To be fair, some opioid addictions start out fairly innocently, with […]
By Cassie B.
Chemotherapy found to increase the number of tumor cells circulating in the blood, spreading it to previously unaffected areas
Chemotherapy is a pretty scary prospect, but a lot of people are convinced by their doctors that its potential benefits are worth enduring the very unpleasant side effects. Unfortunately, a new study shows that getting chemotherapy before surgery can actually increase the tumor cells in your blood and spread the cancer to other areas. This […]
By Cassie B.
Nurses organize against anti-human rights “vaccine mandates” … see Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines
Most of us have to do things we’d rather not for our jobs once in a while. Whether it’s smiling in the face of a boss or customer we vehemently disagree with or participating in boring conference calls, we chalk it up to being “part of the job” and appreciate the fact that we’re employed […]
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