News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
After 9/11 America secured airplane flight decks to stop the deaths; after the Covid-19 vaccine holocaust, it’s time to SECURE OUR CHILDREN against Big Pharma terrorism
Twenty one years ago, terrorists took over US planes and flew them into skyscraper buildings in New York City, shocking the nation and killing at least 3,000 people. Afterwards, most Americans were afraid to board planes, wondering if it would happen to the one they were on. So, the authorities took action to prevent this […]
By S.D. Wells
KIDS and TEENS are texting Miami plastic surgeon by her request on TWITTER to set up sex-organ-mutilation-surgery appointments (op-ed)
This is happening. A plastic surgeon based in Miami Beach is advertising on Twitter and TikTok via video for kids and teens to literally text her to set up sex-organ-mutilation-surgery appointments. “Here at Gallagher Plastic Surgery you can just text us” … “probably set up most of the surgery without talking to anybody on the […]
By S.D. Wells
Booking producer at FOX Business News resigned over COVID VAX tyranny, refused to comply with illegal NYC mandate Fox Corp was enforcing
While all of her cohorts at Fox News had received the Fauci Flu jabs and were spreading COVID all over the workplace, Breanna Morello thought the semi-conservative network wasn’t part of the liberal wasteland that denies people medical choice, but she was wrong. With dreams of producing the Tucker Carlson show, Breanna Morello had relocated to […]
By S.D. Wells
7 SCARIEST prescription medications, according to Big Pharma’s own warnings
When you think of “learning disabilities” for American children, many types come to mind, including Asperger’s syndrome, autism, and Down’s syndrome, but it may surprise you to know that there are over 6 million US kids diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) right now. Nearly 2 million of those children are on dangerous prescription […]
By S.D. Wells
COVID VAX REGRET: Horrific injuries, lack of support, and inexcusable “black hole” for injury claims against pharma and US government
Impaired immunity is about the worst “side effect” from COVID vaccines that the majority of Americans would want to avoid, not run towards, seeing as how so many people are already suffering from obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. Fear of COVID outweighed the fear of this because people have been brainwashed by their […]
By S.D. Wells
Fair’s fair: Since parents can sue Alex Jones for “emotional distress,” can 160 million Americans sue Fox News and MSM for lying about vaccine-induced injuries and death?
Thousands of court cases in American history have set the precedent for future litigation and even influenced their outcomes. Case in point: Parents of children who were reportedly killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting were awarded over $4 million in the defamation case against famous podcaster Alex Jones because he said the mass […]
By S.D. Wells
Court room backlog: Pandemic-driven lawsuits continue piling up for custody battles, job losses, domestic disputes, unjustified COVID vaccine mandates
Pandemic-related litigation has lead to more lawsuits and court filings than any other incident in US history, and there’s more to come. This litigation includes filings against insurers, against government regulations that affected businesses, domestic disputes and a variety of consumer activity. US states filing the most pandemic-related lawsuits include New York, California, Florida, Texas […]
By S.D. Wells
Prescription-drug-induced MASS SHOOTINGS and the ‘elephant in the room’
A mass shooting, according to the FBI, happens when four or more humans are killed during a single incident, not including the shooter. Nearly every single mass shooting incident has two things in common: The shooter is taking psychotropic SSRI medications, and the Democrats immediately blame the guns used instead of the prescription drugs. SSRIs […]
By S.D. Wells
The vaccine agenda was designed to bring down the economy
Start doing everything the corrupt government tells you to do and you will be broke, sick and starving in no time flat. In America, fear is big business, and within just two years, the propaganda machine of virus mania hand-walked 270 million Americans right to the poison well – submission by vaccination. Like David Copperfield […]
By S.D. Wells
Ivy League Brown University REQUIRES Covid jabs plus boosters, even as enrolled students are suffering DEADLY side effects from them, including myopericarditis
Myopericarditis is inflammation of the sac-like tissue that surrounds the heart. Considered a “complication” of acute pericarditis, myopericarditis can be fatal, especially if the condition worsens after non-responsiveness to treatment. Most folks only survive with myopericarditis for 3 to 5 years, and annually, there are over 32,000 deaths globally from myopericarditis. Recently, at least one […]
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