By Lance D Johnson
Wave of vaccine resistance building around the globe as call for civil disobedience goes viral among health care workers
An increasing number of U.S. hospitals now require their staff to take mandatory flu vaccines or be terminated from employment. This coercive policy is in violation of the American Medical Association’s code of ethics and precisely violates informed consent of the individual. While most nurses “go along to get along,” not all healthcare workers cave […]
By Isabelle Z.
Nurses organize against anti-human rights “vaccine mandates” … see Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines
Most of us have to do things we’d rather not for our jobs once in a while. Whether it’s smiling in the face of a boss or customer we vehemently disagree with or participating in boring conference calls, we chalk it up to being “part of the job” and appreciate the fact that we’re employed […]
By JD Heyes
Nation in SHOCK after hidden camera captures nurses laughing like crazy as U.S. veteran gasps for air and dies in a hospital
In a world where there is so much outrageous behavior, most of us have become numb to a great deal of it. But some things do still surpass our “outrage” threshold and this is certainly one of those instances. As reported by Atlanta-based NBC affiliate 11Alive, an undercover video has surfaced showing some of the […]
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